System Solutions / Digital Exhibition Hall / Enterprise Showroom Multimedia Solution

Enterprise Showroom Multimedia Solution


As an important place for enterprises to display their brand image, corporate exhibition halls have attracted more and more attention from corporate leaders. In particular, some enterprises that pay attention to brand image often plan a certain space in the office building to carry out overall image packaging and display.


The digital exhibition hall like the corporate library uses high-tech display means and various audio-visual multimedia exhibitions to integrate the corporate culture into digital multimedia exhibitions and digital content display, with innovative display concepts and super-digital content creation. Intelligent technology means to create a digital exhibition hall of an interactive corporate hall with distinctive corporate personality.

(1) Large screen projection

The radius of the ring/arc/ bending screen is wide, the audience's vision is completely surrounded, and the surround sound system allows participants to fully experience a highly immersive 3D stereoscopic experience, and obtain a highly immersive virtual The simulation visual environment is unmatched by traditional flat-panel display devices. A variety of display formats to meet the needs of different exhibition halls in different industries.

(2) Holographic display cabinet

Using 3D stereo holographic imaging technology, the perfect 3D stereoscopic restoration product can enjoy 3D phantom stereoscopic display special effects without any restraint, which can give people a visual impact, and has a strong sense of depth, which is difficult to distinguish.

(3) Phantom imaging

It is a scene that combines real-life shooting and model. Visitors can see lively character performances on the phantom imaging model. Of course, these characters and plots are also projected by the projector. The “Phantom Imaging Depth Control Technology” can realize the deep spatial sense of the image, which perfectly combines the image and the background scene, so that the true and false images are perfectly integrated, showing the most dazzling three-dimensional scene. The phantom imaging is suitable for various new products. Released exhibitions, various cultural performances, and various exhibition halls.

(4) Virtual Welcome/Virtual Interpreter

The virtual welcome/virtual interpreter is one of the holographic projections. By projecting virtual reality images, people can react when they pass, which surprises the guests. Brilliant and colorful playback effects, life-like interactive images, more suitable for multi-environment playback, but also can be customized according to the application site and customer needs, a variety of styles, a variety of sizes. It is suitable to be placed at the entrance of the exhibition hall and the place to be explained, to welcome the guests and to explain the contents to the guests.

(5) Desktop interaction

Without any external equipment, it is not limited by the distance between man and machine, and the operation mode of the input terminal by means of a mouse, a keyboard, a joystick or the like is broken. Directly control the interactive interface with your fingers, which greatly facilitates people's operation. At the same time, the interactive wall surface breaks the limitation of the traditional touch screen by the size and shape, and can support any size and any shape.

The interactive desktop adopts multi-touch technology, and can support multiple people to participate in interaction, without affecting each other, greatly improving the user's access speed and utilization efficiency of media resources.

(6) Interactive corridor

The interactive corridor is a high-tech interactive system for advertising and entertainment. The principle of the system is firstly to capture and photograph the target image through the capture device, and then analyze it by the image analysis system to generate the motion of the captured object. The motion data is combined with the real-time image, creates a close interaction between the participants and the screen. Using this principle, the entire corridor and wall surface is integrated into one whole, as if it is in another environment, the city shuttles, the forest walks, and the computer generates three-dimensional Image, a technique that provides users with a three-dimensional space and interacts with it. By mixing reality, the user can also touch the real environment while manipulating the virtual image, thereby enhancing the sense of the senses.

(6) VR virtual reality

Virtual reality technology is a computer simulation system that can create and experience a virtual world. It uses a computer to generate a simulation environment. It is a multi-source information fusion, interactive 3D dynamic vision and system simulation of physical behavior. The user is immersed in the environment.


It can break the physical space, and can transform any object surface into animation, realize the perfect fusion of objects and animation, and produce strong visual impact. Often choose some tall, wide buildings, and also choose a specific object indoors, combining projection technology with special effects phantom.

By optimizing the corporate image and displaying the products of the company, the company's exhibition halls can gain the trust of customers, let the customers understand the culture, products, quality, service and other aspects of the company, and can also serve as a place for customers to visit, exchange and negotiate. Therefore, in recent years, it has become an inevitable trend for enterprises to build their own exhibition halls.