System Solutions / Digital Exhibition Hall / Digital Showroom Museum Solutions

Digital Showroom Solutions


The History Museum actually represents an era or the past of a place. People can understand the ups and downs of history through the display of cultural relics, and also allow the public to learn and value historywhile visiting. However, traditional museums are very boring, so visitors’interest is often not particularly strong. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce some multimedia interactive devices, which increase the sense of science and technology, improve the grade of the museum, and enhance the viewing passion of tourists.


(1) 360-degree holographic stereo imaging

The 360-degree holographic stereo imaging is based on the principle of light reflection, which has human visual error, thereby forming a multi-angle、full-scale 3D suspended image, which is used for museums to protect cultural relics and better present the shape of objects.

(2) Arc Curtain Theater

The Arc Curtain Theater is composed of digital content, projection system, playback system and integrated system and seamless LCOS splicing screen system. When people enter the arc curtain theater, they are surrounded by 3D images and sounds, with a strong physical and mental experience and immersion. The Arc Curtain Theater is mainly used for historical events and cultural relics introduce.

(3) Virtual bicycle

The virtual bicycle is a sensor technology that allows the rider to experience the effects of riding on a real road while allowing them to experience historical changes. Cyclists wear VR glasses and ride on bicycles. The historical content in VR glasses will be played from ancient times to the present, which is full of novelty and fun.

(4) Virtual flip book

The virtual flip book gives a strong visual impact. It only needs to swing the arm to open the book, and the information storage is large. The information of each era can be stored, so it is more intelligent to the audience.

At present, multimedia interactive technology has been applied to various exhibition halls. Technology and interactivity enable people to quickly embrace this emerging technology. Although the multimedia exhibition has not yet been fully utilized in the museum, it is undoubtedly the future development direction of the museum exhibition.