AR/VR display chip and related intelligent hardware / Oral surgery training simulator
Oral surgery training simulator
The Oral Surgery Training Simulator is a multi-functional system that integrates vision with haptic sense. It can really represent the pathologic condition of parodontopathy, so that the users can experience real visual feedback and haptics during their operation on the system, same as their experiences in real case surgery teaching. Thus it is an effective training tools for basic periodontal surgery skills such as squatting and underarm treatment. It can be mainly used for basic stomatology teaching, surgical skill training and surgical operation assessment, with advantages in real-time realistic rendering in 3D scenes of surgery, fine and force feedback, etc.
1.Force feedback periodontal exploration skills training
With the help of force feedback equipment, the user's pre-clinical hand movement control ability training is completed, and the ability of the user to control the movement of the instrument and accurately control the output force is improved, which lays a foundation for the training of clinical special skills.
2.The basic knowledge teaching
Using multimedia technology such as virtual reality and digital image to train operators to master the basic theoretical skills of the oral cavity, making the teaching more familiar and understandable.
3.Periodontal surgery process example
The training of periodontal special skills is completed in a virtual operating room that integrates visual-listening-touch multi-channel feedback, and virtual reality technology is used to help users strengthen the surgical procedure and adapt to the oral clinical environment.
4.Periodontal basic treatment training
In the virtual operating room to complete the skills training of periodontal basic treatment, users can obtain realistic visual, power, auditory feelings, repeated training, familiar with the clinical environment, and lay the foundation for clinical practice.